Ask The Vet

It was my pleasure to contribute to February 2014 Woman’s Day “Ask A Vet” column and now I am thrilled to tell you that I will be doing a regular “Ask The Vet” column online for Boomeon.

I love these opportunities to spread the word about how to keep pets healthy the right way!  It would mean a lot to me for you, my regular followers and clients, to jump start this project with your participation.  Please log in and comment!


Magic is REAL

Magic is REAL

I was invited to participate in Foxtale Book Shoppe’s Emerging Author Event in Woodstock, Georgia this past weekend. I knew that the shoppe is well rated and was voted Best Bookstore in Atlanta. I had heard great things about the store and the event and I had enjoyed corresponding with the organizer, Gary. But nothing could have prepared me for the absolute enchantment.

I had never been to Foxtale so I had no real preconceived notions. When I walked into this place, it was like being transported to a magical place. It was like slipping through the back of the wardrobe into Narnia or crossing the Bridge to Terabithia. There is eclectic wonderment on every shelf and the ambiance is perfection to a bookworm like me. There are displays of fanciful jewelry filling antique pieces scattered charmingly about. Cozy, mismatched chairs, each with its own story to tell, are arranged around in a delightful disarray and they beckon readers to indulge in their addiction for the written word and to share with the other, like minded individuals who have gathered.

There was quite a crowd and I was busy mingling and meeting readers and authors, so I could not ponder the mystical aura, but trust that I will return as soon as I can to explore this island of imagination at my leisure. Thank you, Foxes. Your love of books and your store lingers in the air!

To all bibliophiles, the pictures do it no justice. Just visit. You will be glad that you did!